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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

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Are you looking for answers to the most common questions about Licensing documents, identity, travel, residence, and international citizenship? Different countries may have different requirements, but the answers to the general questions are provided below. If you need further clarification, please don‘t hesitate to Contact us. We‘re here to help you understand the Licensing, identity, travel, residence, and international citizenship requirements for your specific country.

Trust is of vital importance when acquiring a driver licence and second passport or citizenship. You are trusting us with who you are, your struggle, your ambitions, and then furthermore trusting us with your future. It is then our job to ensure that future for you.

The easiest way for you to establish a level of trust with us is to make contact, either by email or by WhatsApp with one of our citizenship experts.

Any meetings or conversations we have will be in complete privacy and in the strictest confidence, and you will be under no obligation to proceed with any of our programs until your choosing.

We appreciate that such a life-changing endeavor as acquiring second citizenship takes a lot of thought and decision making before going ahead and embarking on the process. We are here to listen to all of your concerns or doubts, and to help put your mind at ease before making what will be a life-affirming commitment.

Much as we would love to be able to do that, we cannot. Documents are a highly private matter, and in most cases, clients who have obtained them wish to keep it that way. Whether it be fears of expulsion from their original nation, concerns over financial investigations into their offshore banking and investments, or more personal reasons - owning a second passport is a matter that should remain confidential.

If you take a look at the testimonials featured on our website, you'll find several heart-felt and genuine ones. Although in all likelihood, the contributors have changed their names to protect their privacy - which is their right.

So ask yourself this; if you were to successfully obtain a second passport, would you want the whole world to know about it?

Our real documents are just like the documents from the authorities - same quality materials and registered information in the same database system. This means our documents are genuine and recognized by the government, so you can use them legally.

You can find out at this location: Grove House, 3 Grove PL, Swansea SA1 5DF

Once you have obtained your genuine document, all of your information will be securely stored in the relevant database. When your document is close to expiry, you can contact the authorities of the issuing country and have it renewed without any complications. Upon verification of the system to ensure all your information is valid, your document will be renewed quickly and easily.